Photo album of Michael Mwanikha in Kenya


Mike with family and relativesMike with family and relatives

Family, home and coworkers

Mike, and his wife Irene have four young children: a son Trevor, twin girls Praise Anna and Favor Joy, and new baby Jayne; they also share their home with several relatives from Uganda who are attending school locally. They live in a humble home in Kimilili in rural Western Kenya.






Mike as a clownMike as a clown

Children's ministry

Mike ministers to children in many different settings including in schools, churches, orphanages, clinics, and through special events such as large children's rallies or meetings organized to help counsel children after violent tribal clashes.


Developing other children's ministries

Mike often travels around Western Kenya to share about the importance of children's ministry in churches and conferences, and he has even done so in parts of Uganda, and more recently in Tanzania. He is willing to train committed individuals or hold intensive training seminars lasting several days, and so helps to inspire and develop many new children's ministries.