Mechanicsville, MD 20659 240-722-7977

Exciting report of my mission trip to Guatemala

Last month I had the incredible opportunity to lead a group from our church on a week-long mission trip to some small Mayan towns in the mountains near Lake Atitlán. You may recall that I first visited there… Read More

May newsletter

The other day my husband gave me a small, simple bouquet from our garden. It consisted of three yellow roses and a couple of stems of beautiful yellow flowers. At first, I had to think what the small… Read More

Encouragement and news for April

Have you ever been friends with someone for a long time and then suddenly discovered that they have accomplished something incredible that no-one much knew about? Or perhaps you find out that they had overcome some incredible tragedy… Read More

Inspiring March news update

The Asbury Revival that I shared about last month continued for 16 days, and the Holy Spirit continues to move and touch many other schools and churches around the country. But God is also moving in other unusual… Read More

Exciting February news and pictures

Those of you who live outside of the United States may not have heard yet of the ongoing revival that started at Asbury Christian College in Kentucky over 10 days ago. Few regular TV networks are covering it,… Read More

Encouraging New Year update

I wish all of you renewed vision and inspiration as you move into this new year, seeking to fulfill your part in Jesus’ Great Commission. Next Saturday (January 21st) I will be teaching a morning workshop at our… Read More

Christmas greetings and newsletter

At this time of year, we often look back over the past 12 months to remember the key events, unexpected challenges and special happenings. News programs often focus on the most tragic events (looking around the world there… Read More

Exciting report of my trip to Guatemala and update from our African partners

This newsletter is later than usual because I wanted to wait and include some exciting news about my recent trip to Guatemala. Since our focus moved to be principally on helping with Lily and the family here in… Read More

Inspiring September newsletter

This morning I read that Texas has sent less than 10,000 migrants to DC since April (causing the mayor of DC to declare a public emergency there) – although Border Patrol regularly encounters some 200,000 migrants EACH MONTH,… Read More

July news and encouragement

Even if you are not one who keeps up much with the news, one thing that we ALL cannot escape right now is the fact that prices are continuing to rise! We are told that inflation here in… Read More