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Inspiring March news update

The Asbury Revival that I shared about last month continued for 16 days, and the Holy Spirit continues to move and touch many other schools and churches around the country. But God is also moving in other unusual ways in this very technological age. Surely it is no “coincidence” that a movie released on February 24th has also suddenly hit the headlines by becoming an unexpected box office hit. Jesus Revolution tells the true story of the “Jesus Movement” in the late 1960s in America, when young people, college students and “hippies” across the country gave their lives to Jesus Christ and were transformed and often delivered from drugs.

Jesus revolution movie

Growing up at that time in England, I was personally unaware of it, and so it was wonderful to watch the movie and learn the history of that special revival – which birthed many present-day ministries. But, more than that, it was an excellent reminder of how everyone in the Church should be willing and prepared to respond in the right way when God touches and transforms someone whose life (and appearance) may be totally alien and different to our own! If we are truly praying for the salvation of desperately lost souls, we must not be surprised if God moves in very astonishing ways! (It always reminds me of one of my favorite stories in Acts 8 where Philip suddenly meets up with the Ethiopian eunuch on the desert road!)

All this also “coincides” with the ongoing TV series The Chosen (also available to be streamed free on the Angel app online at The whole production of this multi-season series gives testimony to miraculous intervention and life-changing impact on people all around the world. It has already been translated into many major languages, and for those of you overseas, I strongly recommend you check into if you can watch it in the language of your own country. In Brazil for example, it is being viewed by millions in churches and other large gatherings. It tells the story of Jesus’ life on earth through the eyes of his disciples and followers.

The Chosen series

Although I must admit it took me 4 episodes to become hooked, I soon realized that the fictional backgrounds of the disciples DO actually make the whole story really come alive, helping us better understand the battles each had to go through at that period of history and in the culture of that time. It proves that God’s Word and His Ways are relevant in ALL places and times! The command “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel” is being fulfilled in ways that could never have been imagined in my parents’ lifetime! I encourage you to check out these powerful new evangelistic tools and do your part by telling those who may never accept an invitation to attend a church. This is an exciting time when God is moving in new ways!
Be blessed and have a wonderful Easter! Shirley.


Pastor Sika in Togo and his wife, Lucie, are thankfully recovering from oral surgery and are grateful for everyone’s prayers. The ministry at the Joseph Project continues to flourish and bless many families, children and widows. This picture shows the orphans presently living at the orphanage, and we continue to hear of more idol-worshippers abandoning their old ways and accepting Christ, which is having an incredible impact on the area.

Orphans at the Joseph Project

Pastor Sika is busy planning the upcoming teaching conference with speakers in person from the U.S.A. March 21-23. Up to 140 pastors and leaders are expected to attend, so we pray that all will be convicted to recommit their lives to the lordship of Jesus Christ and become living examples of the love and integrity evident in those who are true Christ followers. He also reports of a recent meeting with some school principals in Lome who plan to teach Bible courses in their respective schools. They are apparently all eagerly awaiting the delivery of the materials so that teaching can begin.

With his team, he continues to evangelize in pagan villages, some of which are very resistant to the Gospel. He thanks God for the salvation of a whole family in the village of Sagonou (see photo). So now the priority is to plant a church there. He asks for special prayers for this, along with a personal need for new tires ($1,000) for his vehicle as he recently had two tires punctured due to being worn out. Finally, you may remember Dede, the young girl now living with his family, who was saved from slavery and human trafficking. She is in her 3rd year of undergraduate studies and is very ill at present.

New village church plant

Pastor Honore in Central African Republic reports that there continue to be threats against him and his family almost every night, making it difficult for them to rest and feel secure. However he is determined to continue with every aspect of the ministry. Recently they had a special church celebration for the International Women’s Rights Day. The women teachers at the school, along with the women involved in the church ministry, went jogging, then had breakfast, followed by a soccer game. In the afternoon there was a special conference discussing the role of women in the Bible and also women’s rights. These pictures show some of the women playing sports and at the conference.

International Womens Day

Womens Day conference

It was such a success that the village chief asked them to organize a similar conference for all the women in the village, along with their husbands, so that more would understand the importance of women’s rights and their role in the family. Sadly, as in so many other parts of the world, women in C.A.R. are often viewed as mere things or animals. Sometimes at the age of 12 or 15, they can be forced to marry old men. They are frequently abused, beaten, and unappreciated, with no say in finances or family matters. Thankfully the conference led many to see the truth and want to work for change and more understanding. We pray God will continue to touch hearts and lead to improved lives for the women.

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