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Encouragement and news for April

Have you ever been friends with someone for a long time and then suddenly discovered that they have accomplished something incredible that no-one much knew about? Or perhaps you find out that they had overcome some incredible tragedy or experience? So often we see ordinary people as just that – “ordinary”! But if we discover that they are in fact far from that, we suddenly regard them in a whole new way and with more respect. Millions of people have effected great changes in the world – and yet often their names are not even recorded!

I am preparing to lead a group from our church on a mission trip to Guatemala next month, and as part of the preparation we are watching the online video series Momentum Yes. Originally, I just felt a “nudge” that this was a good series to use as preparation, but as we continue through the 6 sessions, I am amazed at just how TRULY excellent it is (and not just for the mission field!). At the end of Session 4 there is a link to a “Growth of the Church Timeline”. I had always just assumed that the Gospel spread gradually across the world – after all, it’s been 2,000 years! But as I read through the milestones of Christianity being taken to different countries, and the incredible revivals that often drastically changed nations, I became more in awe at what a miraculous accomplishment it has been – especially since travel was mainly by foot or boat, and without modern forms of communication! Perhaps the MOST amazing thing is that clearly thousands of those who helped spread the Gospel even in those early years were in fact just “ordinary” people! But because they committed their lives TOTALLY to Christ, He was able to use them in incredible ways!

I share here just some of the events on the timeline (in just the first 500 years) for those of you who might be interested. I pray that it inspires YOU to continue to do your part with even greater commitment as together we obey Jesus’ Great Commission! Truly we can count on the promise that the Holy Spirit is working alongside us! Blessings, Shirley.

Conference speakersPastor Sika in Togo reports that the in-person conference held March 21-23 in Lomé was very powerful. The two visiting bible teachers from the USA (seen in this photo) taught in depth from the Book of Romans to over 100 pastors from across the area. In fact, one pastor was so convicted that he realized he had never in fact given his life to the Lord and came forward to admit it in front of everyone. Pastor Sika has already made all the arrangements to help him become a good disciple of Christ and be mentored by a pastor from his team.

He also informs us about the new church that he just opened on April 9th after an evangelistic campaign held from 7th to 8th – this was despite threatening storms in the area! The church is only about a mile from the Togo-Ghana border, and you can see from these photos that despite meeting in the street, the evangelistic campaign was well-attended. We pray that many will come to know and serve Jesus through this new church.

Evangelistic crusade to start new church in April

Movie projection in street

Pastor Honore in Central African Republic sent Easter greetings as they continue faithfully spreading and living the Gospel there with the church and school just outside Bangui, the capital. We keep them in our prayers.

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