Mechanicsville, MD 20659 240-722-7977

September news and encouragement

Gerald and I have been talking with some friends about doing a more in-depth bible study of the Holy Spirit. I was thinking how, when I was a very new Christian, I heard preaching about the various spiritual gifts and ministries and wondered what “my” ministry would be. It seemed that every ministry was very “spiritual”, and I was painfully aware of my lack of spiritual knowledge! But as I was reading the Bible one day, I came across God’s answer for me – so perfect and yet so simple! It is in the verse immediately following the explanation of what happens when we get saved and give our life to Jesus.

2 Corinthians 5:17 says: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! (NIV) Then in v.18 it goes on: “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation”

Even from that very first day of our new life in Christ, we have a ministry!! It doesn’t depend on what experience we have in church or how much we have studied the Bible! It is simply that BECAUSE of our experience of being reconciled with God through Jesus, we can now help others to do the same!

2 Corinthians 5:18 and onward in The Message Bible puts it so clearly: “All this comes from the God who settled the relationship between us and him, and then called us to settle our relationships with each other. God put the world square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering forgiveness of sins. God has given us the task of telling everyone what he is doing. We’re Christ’s representatives. God uses us to persuade men and women to drop their differences and enter into God’s work of making things right between them. We’re speaking for Christ himself now..”

Some ministries, such as prophecy, performing of miracles, or healing, are only carried out periodically. That is not to say that we may never be used in those at times, but the “ministry of reconciliation” is one that we can ALL focus on EVERY day! So, I’ve learned that while God may be developing me for special ministries, I can focus each day on the one ministry He has already called me to! Have a blessed month! Shirley

Pastor Sika in Togo – It was a year ago that terrible flooding hit the village of Agbanake, where after many months of faithful visiting, Pastor Sika had been able to establish a small church, despite it being a village very hostile to the Gospel. The small church building was destroyed but the work (both spiritual and physical) continued there, and the church has steadily grown. On Friday September 6th, he held a day-long seminar there to strengthen the church spiritually. Churches were also invited from the surrounding area and thankfully, the authorization was given without any problem. The preaching of the Gospel at the beginning of the seminar bore fruit with nearly 185 participants, 40 of whom were saved. Then the rest of the time was used for discipleship (see photo below). So now the Agbanake church has a total of 110 members!

Seminar in Agbanake churchSika and Lucie with ex-idol priestBut what had attracted a lot of attention from many on September 6 was the conversion of a formidable spiritual leader of idols in the area, named Kossi – seen here with Pastor Sika and Lucie by their new church van. Such dramatic salvations have a great impact in these tight-knit communities and encourage others to break away from the fears and superstitions of idol worship.


Bethany Baptist church at the JP completedBethany Baptist Church at the Joseph Project also recently hosted a similar training seminar where at least 30 people of all ages accepted Jesus Christ. The church there is growing and was recently blessed with a special donation to complete the long-unfinished doors and windows of the new church building (see photo).

Widow FatimaBut sadly, the church recently lost one of its members. The widow Fatima (seen below) went to be with the Lord at the age of 80, after a short illness with stomach pains. She was dearly loved by the church, so please pray for Pastor Sika, Pastor Tomety and the whole church as they mourn her passing. The new school year begins September 15th for the JP students, and we praise God for the $1,500 given towards the school supplies and schooling – although several things are still needed.




Pastor Honore in Central African Republic – It has been a very rough year thus far for him and his family. They are still being threatened and are unable to live in their home on the CEERCA property next to the church and school until a secure perimeter fence can be built (very costly there). They have had to move from rent house to rent house in the city, but everywhere is dangerous or very unsuitable. Then, three of his church staff members ended up in hospital on the same day. Two were in a terrible accident; one was paralyzed, and one passed on to meet the Lord two weeks later. His name was Alexis, and he joined their church in 2018. He and his wife were the first couple to get married there and were very engaged in ministry at CEERCA. These photos show him and his wife with Honore and Clarisse. We pray for her as she must deal with this sudden tragedy, and for all at the church as they mourn his loss.

Honore and Clarisse with 1st couple married at CEERCAClarisse with widow

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