Mechanicsville, MD 20659 240-722-7977

Inspirational Christian teachings

Preaching in a women's prison in Togo
Preaching in a women’s prison in Togo

Through the years I have had opportunities to speak to Christian groups in many countries, and sometimes a short teaching or message has felt particularly “anointed” or inspiring. At other times, either confronted with a challenging situation or just thinking about a particular need, I have sought understanding from the Bible and the Holy Spirit for my own personal benefit, and experienced much-needed encouragement or inspiration. I share some of these now, not as great teachings but just as thoughts, so that others may also be comforted and inspired as we all do our best to apply our faith to day to day challenges and try to understand what God is doing in our lives!

Encouragement for healing

From Entity to Concept

Lazarus people – understanding miracles

Suffering but not in Hell

Thoughts on fulfilling our calling

The heart of a true children’s minister

Our responsibility toward little children