Mechanicsville, MD 20659 240-722-7977

Monthly kids pages

Since 2003 we have been sending out a monthly kids message by e-mail to any individuals and children’s ministries around the world that request it. We now have these available as the Joy With Jesus children’s ministry blog on this website, but you can still subscribe to receive them directly each month by e-mail if you contact us. Here we offer the archives of what were originally entitled World Kids PAL Pages (PAL for Playing and Learning). Each can easily be downloaded and printed for distribution to children in a club or Sunday School group; or the message, testimonies or bible puzzles used to augment a teaching. It is available in both English and Spanish – please go to our Spanish section for the archives in español.


The first volume World Kids PAL Pages has messages that focus each month on a different country, sharing fascinating information of particular interest to children, true testimonies and fun puzzles. There are 33 issues and an additional 3 that are especially about Christmas and how it is celebrated around the world. These are also very useful for home school.

World Kids PAL Page
World Kids PAL Page

The second volume World Kids PAL Projects consists of 30 messages about specific aspects of life in other cultures from a Christian perspective, also with a puzzle or activity, and encourage children to get involved in missions.